Computer Programming Classes

by Merrick J. Stemen :: Phone (850)457-0603 :: Email

Introduction to HTML/Web Page Design

Learn to create web pages using HTML!

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the language used to display most of the various elements you see in web pages today. Creating web pages using HTML is much easier than most people think, and learning HTML as a first computer language can give young people the confidence that they need to become successful programmers and web designers later on!

Introduction to HTML/Web Page Design includes:

Introduction to Programming Using C

Learn to program using the C programming language!

The C programming language has been used as an introductory programming language for many years in colleges and universities. Basic principles of programming will be taught as well as fundamental structures of C syntax so that the student will be able to develop simple programs on his own.

Introduction to Programming Using C includes:

Introduction to Programming Using Java

Learn to program using the Java programming language!

The Java programming language is a popular programming language among many programmers. Its availability and modern design make it a very accessible programming language for new programmers.

Introduction to Programming Using Java includes:

Introduction to Designing a Computer Adventure Game

Encourages Creativity!

If your child has a creative streak and likes to read, but doesn't necessarily seem interested in computer programming; or if your child likes programming, but doesn't seem necessarily interested in reading or creativity, you should have them try this class.

Depending on the topic chosen, the student's work in this course could include application of language arts, literature, history, Bible, geography, science, mathematics, art, and computer programming.

This course will cover the basics of writing a computer text adventure game, where the person playing the program types commands to tell the computer what he would like to do to move around and interact in the adventure game.

Students will create a map of important places where events will happen in the game. They will identify the people and objects important to the progression of the story line. They will write the programming logic for allowing the player to interact with people and objects in the necessary way to move the story along toward the desired end.

Introduction to Designing a Computer Adventure Game includes:

This is an exciting course offered for the first time Summer 2006!

Introduction to Graphics Programming

Many computer students become interested in computer programming because of their experiences with computer graphics in computer games. This course will cover the basics needed for understanding the way the computer represents and renders graphics on the screen.

This course serves as an excellent introduction that will lay the groundwork for understanding more complicated computer graphical methods later.

Introduction to Graphics Programming includes:

This is another exciting course offered for the first time Summer 2006!

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