Introduction to Var'aq Programming

This Site is intended to provide helps to Var'aq language programmers around the world through technical examples, informational articles, and personal assistance.

The following examples are meant to be a quick Getting Started sort of tutorial using the version in Perl.

Example 1. Hello, World!
It is customary to look at the Hello, World! program when first learning a new language.

PRINT "Hello, World!"
." Hello, World!"
"Hello, World!" cha'

Each of these programs will print the words "Hello, World!" on the standard output device.

PRINT "Hello,"
PRINT "World!"

Prints "Hello," on one line, and "World!" on the *next* line.
." Hello," CR ." World!" CR
Prints "Hello," on one line, and "World!" on the *next* line.
"Hello," cha' chu'DonwI' "World!" cha' chu'DonwI'
Prints "Hello," on one line, and "World!" on the *next* line.

Alternately, in the Perl interpreted version of Var'aq, we can get away with a syntax like "Hello,\nWorld!\n" cha' to print the data on separate lines as well.

Go back to go to the next example.

©Copyright 2004, Mr. Merrick J. Stemen. All rights reserved.