Introduction to Var'aq Programming |
This Site is intended to provide helps to Var'aq language programmers around the world through technical examples, informational articles, and personal assistance.
The following examples are meant to be a quick Getting Started sort of tutorial using the version in Perl.
Example 1. Hello, World!
It is customary to look at the Hello, World! program when first learning a new
PRINT "Hello, World!"
." Hello, World!"
"Hello, World!" cha'
Each of these programs will print the words "Hello, World!" on the standard output device.
Basic:PRINT "Hello,"
PRINT "World!"
." Hello," CR ." World!" CR
"Hello," cha' chu'DonwI' "World!" cha' chu'DonwI'
Alternately, in the Perl interpreted version of Var'aq, we can get away with a syntax
like "Hello,\nWorld!\n" cha'
to print the data on separate lines as well.
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