Introduction to Var'aq Programming |
This Site is intended to provide helps to Var'aq language programmers around the world through technical examples, informational articles, and personal assistance.
The following examples are meant to be a quick Getting Started sort of tutorial using the version in Perl.
Example 2. Arithmetic
Since Var'aq is a stack-based programming language like FORTH, arithmetic
is performed using Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) which uses post-fix
operators. Using post-fix notation means that the arithmetic
operator appears *after* the numbers on which it operates.
PRINT 2 + 2
(print (+ 2 2 ) )
2 2 + .
2 2 boq cha'
Because of the nature of post-fix notation, normal arithmetic order of precedence is not handled by the programming language--the programmer must ensure the order of precedence himself.
Basic (automatic order of precedence):PRINT 2 + 5 * 2
(print (+ (* 5 2) 2 ) )
2 5 2 * + .
2 5 2 boq'egh boq cha'
See the Var'aq specification for the arithmetic operators supported by Var'aq.
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